Day 20. Hamptons to New York

This morning , we prepared for our return to New York. We have had a really enjoyable few days out here on the North Fork, and it was sad to say another goodbye to such an enjoyable and relaxing time. We stopped in at the boys new home on long island Sound. This has been under renovation and we looked at all the hard work that has been done on the outside landscaping and the interiors. It looks totally different. Fred has been working his butt off! This will be Fred and Larry’s permanent home out here, while the house we stayed in, the field house, will be sold! There are so many nice memories from that place, but I can see that there will be many new memories at the new place! It looks FABULOUS!!!! We looked at the waterfront and it was cold but totally invigorating!!!

Cory did a great job driving back to New York. For someone who has never driven here, he seemed like a natural. It is not that easy driving in this city as there are so many one way streets and millions of pedestrians. It was great to get back into Manhatten though and we were straight out and off to see the city. 

We passed by Times Square and headed to Saks 5th Avenue. I have been looking for a sweater and was told this might be a good spot. When we got to the department where they sell these, there was a sales assistant who asked what we were after. As I was telling him, he looked me up and down, and said with quite the plum in his mouth: I havent seen that sort of thing for years, certainly not this season!.... Mmmm - I must not be very fashionable :(.....

Saks 5th Ave xmas window

Bulgari enormous faux diamond decorations
We headed out to see the xmas windows which looked fabulous. Swarovkski crystals decorations in some of them, and snow cone themes in others, which I know Jacky would love. It was very cold outside, but clear, and so nice to feel the season. The lights were soon twinkling, and the stores looked fabulous as they are all decorated and set for the holidays.
Inside Saks decorations

When we got home, the boys were home and waiting and we all sat and chatted. Opie got a quick walk while we decided on dinner. 

In the end, we decided on a place called Pastis, which is a french themed restarant. We seem to have been doing “french” a lot lately. It was nice to mix up Cory’s two favourite cities over dinner. A touch of Paris in New York. My indulgence for tonight was a fois gras mousse that Fred ordered. I slathered it on the yummy fresh bread. new York really does have it all!

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